Tuesday, May 28, 2024

*Book Tour & Giveaway*The White Raven Series-GUEST POST


 Legacies meets Lost Girl in this fast-paced new urban fantasy trilogy. 

When the supernatural world decides to kick your ass... Smile and kick it right back.  

The Blade of Balance

The White Raven Book 3

by M.J. Moores

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy

No job. No alliance. No clue...

This isn’t about Dray finding herself anymore. This is war. Her BFF-Familiar is holding the fort at the club. Wolf Boy is in uber Nexus protection mode, and the drive-her-mentalist is tracking a missing dragon.

It’s time to go hunting... but seeking the essence required to jumpstart the Blade of Balance drops Dray squarely in everyone’s crosshairs. Really, nowhere better to be than on the brink of social annihilation behind enemy lines. Unfortunately, the key to unlocking the power of the Blade lies with Dray’s less-than-strategic ability to negotiate with severely unbalanced forces... and deciphering the meaning of the final riddle.

If Dray is only the Seeker... who, then, is the Wielder?


Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Blade of Balance today!


Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

The Soul Collector

The White Raven Book 2

It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No... it’s a murder-hornet!

Stuck in raven form after her run-in with the most insane wizard alive, Dray is content to focus on healing. But the djinn she negotiated help from has other plans. He sends a warning via stinger in mid-air, forcing Dray to shift before she’s ready. The hostile calling card parrots in her head as she plummets to the ground: Time’s up. Favour’s due.

Back on the asphalt, Dray barely has time to take a breath, or a step, before getting blasted by a second summons. She’s on the fae council’s radar, big time. No one else can root-out the maniac wizard who spliced her soul (Public Enemy No.1), so the council offers Dray a deal she can’t refuse. Being a high school outcast never prepared her for this kind of popularity contest.

Can she survive spying for the good guys while breaking the djinn (Public Enemy No.2) out of jail right under their noses?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of the second book in the White Raven series The Soul Collector today!

**On Sale for Only 1.99 May 27-31!!**

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

The Hollow Kiss

The White Raven Book 1

Bloody Walls and Supernatural Espionage Were Not on the Final Exam

Graduation meant a whole new world away from the labels of outcast and freak, but a supernatural abduction leaves Corvina Dray with a hole in her memory and a deadly kiss.

Inexplicably drawn to a dark stranger in a back alley, Dray’s soul-sucking lip-lock lands her with a DB and the local PD on her trail. Then, a girl she doesn’t remember shows up out of nowhere and helps her dispose of the corpse.

Dray’s dead-body-bestie initiates her into an underground world with only one rule— expose the fae and suffer the consequences. But navigating this piranha-paradise to hunt down the maniac responsible for her transformation is likely to kill her... or worse.

Can Dray reverse the curse before she spends the rest of her life in an orange jumpsuit?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lost Girl meets Legacies

If you like your urban fantasy rife with sassy resilient heroines, diverse characters, and a hint of mystery be sure to snatch a copy of The Hollow Kiss today!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

See What the Experts Are Saying

"It was so much fun watching Dray unravel the mysteries of her new world. MJ's fantasy was fresh, and the plot intriguing." ~ Auburn Tempest, author of the Chronicles of an Urban Druid series

"Hollow Kiss is a terrific first-in-series for an exiting new paranormal YA series. If you like found-family stories with rich magic systems and tons of action, you’ll love Hollow Kiss."
~ Kim McDougall, author of the Valkyrie Bestiary series

**On Sale for Only .99cents May 27-31!!**

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads

MJ Moores has dabbled in all things writing since the age of nine. With a minor in creative writing, a decade teaching high school English and Drama, and more than twenty full-length works of fiction under her belt, her seven years as a freelance editor can only be the cherry on top of a life surrounded by story and words. Lately, you can find her working at the library on the days she's not dealing with a flurry of words for her latest book.

MJ loves to write upper YA adventure in sci-fi, fantasy, and suspense. Her newest series, The White Raven, is a fast-paced urban fantasy with a strong female lead, and a hint of mystery. Imagine Legacies meets Lost Girl -- Hold your breath and dive into the adventure. 

Website * Facebook * X * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads


Blog 4 – Writing Process/Story Ideas

One question that readers ask that surprises me, but probably shouldn’t, is “what’s your writing process

like?” It fascinates me that something as mundane as how I write, should intrigue them—lol! Having

written chapter books since the age of 9, being part of English and creative writing classes and

workshops, I have naturally observed how my fellow authors write and get inspired. I’ve always just

“known” how people write simply through osmosis.

For me, though? Any number of things can inspire a story idea. I have 2.5 dream journals filled with cool

stories I’ll never have the time to write. I also get inspired by people and their reactions to things. Like

with my first series, The Chronicles of Xannia. It was New Years Eve, 1999, and the world was divided

into two camps.

1) We’re all gonna die! (yes, I’m being melodramatic, but that’s what it seemed like)

2) What’s your damage? We’ll be fine. (leave everything to the smart people to figure out)

So, for anyone unfamiliar with Y2K, the internet and digital management of finances, etc. was still in its

infancy. For some reason, the world wasn’t sure if all of the digital information stored on computers was

going to be lost with a re-set to 1900, instead of moving forward to 2000. Of course, this would be

catastrophic if it didn’t turn over properly, as we’d be shunted back into the pre-computer era and no

one would be able to access their money. However, as you likely know, that didn’t happen. Mainly

because a lot of smart and desperate people figured out how to fix the system.

My then-boyfriend (now husband) was firmly in camp 1, and I was happily oblivious (not really, I knew

what was going on) in camp 2. His utter devastation as the clock clicked closer to midnight had me

considering for the first time whether or not he might be right. And that, was the birth of a story idea: A

world unknowingly on the bring of disaster with only ancient texts foretelling of some apocalyptic event

in the future. This story had to be science fiction (because that’s what my boyfriend enjoyed reading),

and had to be part adventure fantasy (what I enjoyed reading). And so, the birth of a book.

Other story ideas have simply come from having fun and playing with memes and silly book title

generators. A new cozy fantasy series I’m researching stemmed from one of those, as did book one in

my current White Raven series: The Hollow Kiss. I followed the prompts and substituted my first initial of

my last name, my month of birth, and numerous other factors into developing this simple book title.

With a prompt from the blogger (Tara Sparling) to then write the blurb that might accompany this story,

my mind was hooked on where this new idea might take me.

Now, I’m a planner at heart. My ideas tend to follow what I was taught in English class regarding that

plot chart I’m sure we all had to complete for a book report at some point: Opening, inciting incident,

rising action, climax, denouement. This was how school trained my brain to think. In my early writing

days, I used to plan out in great detail what would happen, when, why, by whom, etc. After a while, I

stopped finding writing “fun.” So, I adopted a hybrid model where I have just those plot graph points

vaguely outlined and a first chapter bubbling in my head, impatient to be written. Then, I write. I outline

what should happen in the coming chapter, then I write it, and so on until the book is done.

Sometimes the characters surprise me; sometimes the plot dips, dives, twists, and turns (it is an

adventure after all), but eventually I make it back to that next point on the plot graph as an anchor for

my thoughts and lighthouse beacon to keep me, mostly, on track. ��

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

 $10 Amazon

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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