Wednesday, June 26, 2024

*Cover Reveal & Giveaway* The Sol-Lumieth


 The allies are ready to sacrifice it all to save their once beautiful realm, their home, but not everyone will survive. Will the light of The Sol-lumieth be strong enough to stop the darkness or will this be the end of the magical realm of Alandria?  

The Sol-Lumieth

The Age of Alandria Book 5

by Morgan Wylie

Genre: YA Fantasy Adventure

Alandria is fading.

The veil between realms has thinned.

War is inevitable.

She, the mistress of the mountain in Exhile, has absorbed an intense amount of power and is poised to unleash the next phase of her evil plan. Meanwhile, the Droch-ShĂșil spreads fear and darkness across Alandria. If salvation does not come for the Orchids, their souls will be lost forever. Will She escape her sentence in Exhile and take over Alandria? Or will the one surprise she isn’t expecting derail her?

Kaeleigh and Daegan rush back to Alandria after their tumultuous journey through the mortal realm, seeking the Book of Lenoria. Chel is in trouble. And the magical life force of the forests and territories of Alandria is being siphoned away, infiltrated by evil. The Dryads are doing all they can to keep the trees—and themselves—alive.

Unexpected friends have been found. The allies are ready to sacrifice it all to save their once beautiful realm, their home, but not everyone will survive.

Will the light of The Sol-lumieth be strong enough to stop the darkness or will this be the end of the magical realm of Alandria?

*Book 5 is the last book in the main series!

**Releases August 1st – PreOrder Now!**

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Find the rest of the series on

Amazon or Books2Read

 Morgan Wylie is an award-winning and USA Today Bestselling author with several genres published from YA fantasy to adult paranormal romance and other things in between. Morgan published her first novel, Silent Orchids, one year after moving across the country with her family on a journey of new discovery. After an amazing three years in Nashville, TN and the release of two more books, Morgan and her family found their way back to the Northwest where they now reside. Still working everyday with great optimism, Morgan continues to embrace all things: “Mama”, wife, teacher, and mediator to the many voices and muses constantly chattering in her head... where it gets pretty loud!

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*Book Tour & Giveaway* Faerie Misborn


When the magic blood of the fae runs through your veins, they will find you, no matter what.

Faerie Misborn

Titiana Academy Book 1

by Samaire Wynne

Genre: YA Academy Urban Fantasy

Life on the streets of Manhattan was bleak...

...for an orphan with little education.

Would a faerie named Chance change her life?

Holly considered herself "street smart." She had learned to survive, deal with the cold, and ignore the hunger, but at almost 14-years old, she feared life would be one long journey of misery. Then she met him.

Sitting alone on the grass...

...she held a sign hoping for spare change.

It read, "Hungry, please help."

The boy didn't give her money, he took her for a bagel. Holly was too hungry to say "no," and what he told her next was almost hard to believe. He had been sent for her.

She was invited to attend a school for special students.

What awaits Holly at The Faerie Academy?

You'll love this story full of teen angst, magical awakenings, faerie folk, and unbelievable challenges, because we all face tests in life and Holly is someone you'll want to see succeed.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

Find them on Amazon!

Samaire Wynne grew up in a lot of different places, and now happily resides on the East Coast of America, laboring away at writing stories every day. She is an animal lover with far too many pets, yet she still muses how she’d like to add even more. A lover of all things night and gothic, she also loves to read and reread her favorite books. Owned by a cat named Tyrion, she can be found haunting the shadows and mists that hang low over the hills of southern Virginia.

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Monday, June 24, 2024

*Cover Reveal & Giveaway* Season of the Runer


All the forces of sentient kind cannot stop what the gods have ordained.

A Cure For Fate

Season of the Runer Book V

by Abigail Linhardt

Genre: Dark Fantasy

Sybal and Tzarik set out on a quest to find a way to break the fate-binding tying Sharar and Tzarik’s fate together. Their journey takes them across the map as they try to bargain with the gods themselves, but nothing seems to give them the answer they seek.

Weakened by the malignant wound, Sharar cannot steep himself in the magic of the Mahit’Onomicon, afraid the power might overcome him. But he has a more immediate battle to fight. He seeks to strike out against Tarkan, manipulating the sultana into doing his bidding.

Tarkan sits upon the ruby throne in Alika with an army of undead and risen alike. But now it is time for the final step. Sure of himself and his power, Tarkan travels to Xia to break open the Crypt and finish his long overdue plan once and for all.

In this thrilling conclusion, Sybal must rise to face her greatest challenge yet. For in a world balanced on the edge of oblivion, even immortality may not be enough to protect those she holds dear. The fate of the living rests in the hands of the dead, and the price of victory may be more than any of them can bear to pay.

Releases November 2024!

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Abi works part-time as a freelance ghostwriter, editor, audiobook narrator, and is one half of the partnership that owns Altered Reality Magazine. She hopes to one day make these passions her full-time job while she hunts for the next bohemian adventure.

She has published works of fiction, poetry, academia, and even won awards for her short stories in science fiction and horror. Her novel, The Trial of Two, was named an Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest 2021 self-publishing awards and won first place in the dark fantasy category in The BookFest Awards. Abi is also a proud mom of ferrets. She currently resides in Kansas.

She is one of nine children--all of whom share the creative spark.

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*Book Tour & Giveaway* The Blade in the Angel's Shadow-GUEST POST


 An Empire born through Angelic magic, or a hell on Earth? One woman’s sword may decide it all.  

The Blade in the Angel’s Shadow

by Andy Darby

Genre: Historical Fantasy, Swords and Sorcery

The Angels want to usher in Revelation, and what better way than through the creation of the British Empire?

Infamous swordswoman Captain Lament Evyngar awaits execution in the Tower of London, charged with heresy and attempted regicide, but all is not as it seems. Unwittingly entangled in the schemes of the Angels, she recounts her tale to the Queen's sorcerer, Dr Dee, who is more than a little responsible for her predicament.

Dr Dee has designs for a British Empire that will dominate the world for ages to come, and with the aegis of the Angels, he has the power to make it a reality. But, two elements are missing, and through blackmail and occult ritual, Lament and her giant Dutch comrade are forced to journey to the war-ravaged Spanish Netherlands on a quest that will reveal the truth about strange entities that use humans to fight out their eternal conflicts and in doing so alter the course of history forever.

So, a bargain is made, a child is created, and death is no longer an option for Lament as she is swept back and forth through time and space, her identity suddenly made fluid until she can at last return to the London of Queen Elizabeth I and face the cosmic horror that is unveiled in the royal court.

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 Andy is a lifelong fan of fantasy, swords and sorcery, and weird tales. He also has a bit of an obsession with historical fiction/fantasy and alternate histories.

Andy lives on the north coast of Cornwall in the UK with his artist wife, teenage daughter, three cats, and two ponies. He is contantly running out of shelf space for the ever-increasing book collection.

Other books by Andy:

Me and the Monkey: Chronicles of the Monkey God Vol 1 & 2

The Paddington Incident

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Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became

an author?

I’m a British-based author, a lifelong fan of sword and sorcery/fantasy/historical fiction, martial artist,

ex-bodybuilder, esoteric scholar, bad surfer, heavy metal lover, and motion graphics designer. I was

born in Birmingham, UK (if you are not from the UK, then it is the home of Peaky Blinders - everyone

seems to know that!). I now live in north Cornwall, UK, with my artist wife, teenage daughter, three

cats, and two ponies.

I have always loved to write, although, in my youth, it was song lyrics rather than prose. I worked in

an office during the 1990s and was asked to produce the internal company newsletter. It soon had

very short crazy stories appearing in it, and towards the end of the 90’s, I started writing for its own

sake: there are several WIPs that someday I will return to. I changed jobs for a graphic designer role in

a live events company and was so busy that writing took a very back seat. Then, around 2012, I

decided to try an experiment in writing daily blogs on Facebook to see how much interaction I got and

to give myself the discipline to write something every day. That’s how my first book - Me and The

Monkey: Chronicles of the Monkey God - was born. I edited all the blog posts together and found that

I had 100,000 plus words, so I put it out to a few publishers, and it was taken up by Bad Press Inc.,

who published it, the following volume 2, and a novella that is a prequel to the Me and The Monkey

stories. But my latest book – The Blade in the Angel’s Shadow – is what I have always wanted to write:

an old-school sword and sorcery tale that lives in a real-world setting that, through the actions of

those concerned, becomes something other.

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!

In the Ecuadorian Amazon, being woken in the middle of the night after an ayahuasca ceremony by

the locals shooting blowpipe darts at the vampire bats hanging in the hut rafters.

Where were you born/grew up at?

I was born and grew up in Birmingham, UK.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

With my wife and daughter, I would want to go somewhere beautiful, either by the sea or amongst

trees, and just breathe it in for the last time. Then, I would have some good food, listen to some great

music, and just see how it all plays out.

What kind of world ruler would you be?

Best not to go there, I think! I have always believed that those who seek power should be denied it at

all costs. As the saying goes, Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Besides, I get

bored easily, and I feel that wouldn’t be a good trait in a World leader!

What are you passionate about these days?

Mental health issues, particularly around ADHD and autism.

Animal rights: it would be great if people behaved compassionately and ethically towards all living


Science denial: it shocks me how factual, provable research can be denied by those whose only claim

to scientific research is looking on Google and sharing social media posts with those who share their

beliefs. We could be the only species to go extinct because people choose to believe memes over

those who have dedicated their lives to science.

What do you do to unwind and relax?

Binge-watch movies and TV series!

How to find time to write as a parent?

You just need to write. If you can’t manage any more time, set aside an hour a day and just go for it. I

wrote the first draft of The Blade in the Angel’s Shadow, sitting in bed every evening in notebooks.

Sometimes, I only managed half an hour (a couple of hundred words is better than nothing), but I

made sure I wrote every night.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

When I finished The Blade in the Angel’s Shadow.

Do you have a favorite movie?

Fury Road. I have loved the Mad Max movies since I saw the first one in 1979. For me, Fury Road is

the perfect extension to the original three, and I am hugely excited to see Furiosa!

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

I think that the Me and The Monkey novels would make a good TV series, but The Blade in the Angel’s

Shadow would make the best movie.

What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

I have been to Whitby Abbey, the scene of Dracula’s arrival in England – but that could just be a goth

thing! I have attended the Hay-on-Wye book festival, but mostly my pilgrimages are just to the book

shop, returning with armfuls of lovely books!

What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?



The Song of Achilles


Blood Meridian

No Country for Old Men

Red Nails

The Religion

The Twelve Children of Paris


Gates of Fire


Michael Moorcock

R. E. Howard

Madeline Miller

Mary Gentle

Bernard Cornwell

Conn Iggulden

C. J. Cherryh

Joe Abercrombie

David Gemmell

Cormac McCarthy

What book do you think everyone should read?

Twenty years ago, I would have said 1984, but now I think everyone should read Hannah Arendt's The

Origins of Totalitarianism. It’s not a work of fiction; it’s a sobering reminder that the world we live in

can be shaped by forces beyond our control that sweep away ordinary men and women.

How long have you been writing?

When I was in junior school I wrote a story about Vikings. I think it was inspired by a story in a

Christmas Annual and I took the idea and rewrote it (huge plagiarism undoubtedly!). But writing

properly since the late 1990’s.

Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

A bit of both.

What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

I read copious books, research articles on the Internet, and view any films or videos that might affect

my writing. I have a martial arts background and know a bit about edged weapons, but for this book, I

got some works on Renaissance sword fighting to round out my knowledge.

Do you see writing as a career?

We will have to see, but I would love that!

What do you think about the current publishing market?

It’s difficult! There seems to be too much interest in chasing fashionable story types, which means

that if your work doesn’t fit, then it gets rejected. This seems to me to be very short-sighted as it

takes, on average, twelve to eighteen months to write a book, another four to six months to edit, and

then if it goes through a traditional publisher, it will take up to two years before it is released. At that

time, the fashion for those particular stories will have changed, so even if you try to write to match

that fashion, what you write today will not be current by the time it is released. Maybe it is the fault

of the literary agents, who, after all, will promote what they see as profitable for themselves and their

current clients. I would imagine that they would seek to replicate that success, if possible, with similar

new authors. Maybe I am being cynical, but there does seem to be a dearth of one or two storylines

in the fantasy genre at the moment…

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*Book Tour & Giveaway* Codex


 A whistleblower, a fatal car crash, and a ghastly coverup.

Risk is nothing when you have nothing left to lose.


by Lisa Towles

Genre: Psychological Thriller

A whistleblower, a fatal car crash, and a ghastly coverup. Risk is nothing when you have nothing left to lose.

FBI Agent Angus Mariner is off-grid after losing his beloved wife in a tragic car accident. Out of nowhere, he's approached by an eccentric old man, a billionaire, who gives him a three-million-dollar gift...and is discovered dead the next day. Mariner becomes a person of interest and later a suspect in that investigation as well as the death of a vagrant found on the beach near his residence. While investigating the dizzying turn of events, he is contacted by a journalist, who shares details of secret work his wife had been doing just before her fatal accident. Digging into what feels like unlikely allegations brings him to two unthinkable truths: his wife was a whistleblower about to expose a ring of corruption linked to the eccentric old man, and the fatal car crash was no accident. Out on a limb with no one left to trust, he must decide if he alone can expose the organization's terrifying agenda and bring meaning to his life's greatest loss.

Fans of Robert Ludlum's Jason Bourne series will love Lisa Towles' new fast-paced psychological thriller.

Fast paced and ingenious” - The Prairies Book Review

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Lisa Towles is an Amazon bestselling, award-winning crime novelist and a passionate speaker on the topics of fiction writing, creativity, and self care. She has eleven crime thrillers in print with a new title, Codex, forthcoming in June of 2024. Her latest psychological thriller, Terror Bay, won a BookFest Award, a Crimson Quill award from BookViral, a NYC Big Book Award, and a Literary Titan gold medal for crime fiction. Her June 2023 release, Salt Island, won five literary awards including Pencraft and Readers Favorite. Salt Island is the second book in her E&A Investigations series following Hot House (June, 2022). Lisa is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers and hosts an author interview series on YouTube called Story Impact. She has an MBA in IT Management and works full-time in the tech industry in the San Francisco Bay area.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

*Book Tour & Giveaway* Romancing the Tropics


These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. 

Romancing the Tropics

Volume 2

with stories by Leah Miles, Sara J. Walker, Vanessa Victoria Kilmer, Erika Kilmer Freidly, L.J. Green

Genre: Sweet Romance Anthology 

These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. This collection offers sweet to edgy stories perfect for lazing on the beach or poolside.

Join these couples as they defy the conventions and expectations of their worlds to embrace love’s fullest connection with their happily ever after waiting to be discovered.

Here’s what's inside:

Not Another Jack by Leah Miles

Her final wedding gig takes an unexpected turn when a hunky Navy SEAL crashes the party, reigniting old flames and stirring new misunderstandings amidst the choppy seas of love.

The Gardener’s Secret by Sara J. Walker

In the tranquil beauty of the Keys, love and deception collide. Will their journey lead to healing or heartbreak?

Catch As Catch Can by Vanessa Victoria Kilmer

A private investigator is out to find an online hacker of billions of dollars. Will she catch the thief or find someone even more valuable on Grand Cayman Island?

R&R, and a Rescue by Erika Kilmer Freidly

A couple of soulmates travel to St. Thomas for a much-needed vacation. They get caught up in the theft of Blackbeard’s coin.

Where Trade Winds Meet by L.J. Green

T his story captures the blossoming connection between William and Muriel as they bond over their shared dreams of exploration and adventure, defying societal expectations and forging a deep, resolute bond in the vibrant setting of Key West, Florida in 1910.

Proceeds benefit the First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit organization that helps writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of the publishing industry.

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The authors participating in this anthology are members of First Coast Romance Writers (FCRW), and proceeds from this anthology benefit their organization. FCRW is a non-profit that welcomes both published and unpublished authors, as well as any individuals involved in writing and publishing. The chapter is dedicated to promoting excellence in romantic fiction through monthly meetings and workshops in a comfortable forum. They strive to help writers establish careers by providing innovative programs, networking opportunities and pertinent information on effective marketing techniques. Learn more about FCRW online at 

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Friday, June 21, 2024

*Book Tour & Giveaway* Hunter Caine


 Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.  

The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine, Soldier of Fortune

Volumes 1-3

by JP Vile

Genre: Supernatural Sci-Fi Action Thriller

 I’m Hunter Caine.
Treasure Hunter. Soldier of Fortune. Smuggler.
I’m kind of a bad bitch, you might say.
I do what the chicken shit Corporation, or the Holier-than-thou Collective are afraid to do.
What they don’t want to do.
And I do it anywhere.
When shit gets ugly, and things need doin’, I get it done.
I don’t play favorites. Strictly Freelance.
But, I do it all.
And more.

You want something done? Something dirty? Something dangerous?

Something distasteful?
Call Hunter. You got the cash. I got the flash.”

Order your copy and join in on the thrilling sci-fi action, today!

**June’s Feautured Title with Perseid Press! Get it On Sale for Only 2.99 now! **

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JP Vile is a devious introvert that scribes works of fiction for people that like action. Pulp fiction that is – the kind of fiction that gets your blood boiling and keeps you flipping pages like tomorrow may never come.

JP has been a soldier, a wrangler, a financial advisor, a professor and a professional eater of oatmeal cookies, all of which contribute to a well-rounded attachment to chaos. Most importantly, JP’s family is an eccentric group of lovable maniacs who all harbor an unhealthy commitment to raising their small dog, Shadow (who may or may not be a Martian infiltrator).

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Choice of print or ebook copy of The Amazing Adventures of Hunter Caine Volumes 1-3,

$10 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner each!


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