Friday, June 14, 2024

*Book Tour & giveaway* Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl-GUEST POST


When a childish prank is linked to murder, Lady Anne Addison must investigate the death
of a young woman at the hands of a ghoulish fiend . . .

Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl

Lady Anne Addison Mysteries #5

by Victoria Hamilton

Genre: Historical Paranormal Mystery

When a childish prank is linked to murder, Lady Anne Addison must investigate the death of a young woman at the hands of a ghoulish fiend . . .

As her wedding to Lord Darkefell approaches, Lady Anne is summoned by a local girls’ school to help them with a young student troubled by ghostly apparitions. She’s quick to respond, and quick to discover the trickery behind the so-called ghosts. But despite her efforts to demonstrate to the student that she’s been the victim of a cruel hoax, the young woman apparently jumps to her death the very next night. Stunned and saddened by the turn of events, Lady Anne soon realizes that what she thought was a prank was a dark precursor to foul play.

Certain that someone closely connected to the school murdered the young woman, Lady Anne promptly begins questioning students and staff alike to root out the culprit. Confronting calculating young classmates, pompous instructors, and even the shockingly callous relatives of the victim, she still feels no closer to exposing the killer. Then a pattern emerges suggesting exactly who was behind the foul deed, and Anne will put her life on the line to find justice for a young woman who lost her own life too soon . . .

Praise for the Lady Anne Addison Mysteries:

“If you are looking for a historical mystery with romance, suspense, and a suggestion of paranormal, then read Lady Anne and the Howl in the Dark.” —Fallen Angel Reviews

“[Hamilton] excels at imbuing her realistic characters with subtle depths . . .” —American Library Association

“[The author] has set up a well-drawn Gothic horror setting here, so the atmosphere is fantastic, what with it being chilling, mysterious, and menacing all at once.” —Mrs. Giggles

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

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Victoria Hamilton is the national bestselling author of four mystery series: the Vintage Kitchen Mysteries; the Merry Muffin Mysteries; the Lady Anne Addison Historical Mysteries and the Gentlewoman’s Guide Regency Mysteries.

Victoria loves to read, especially mystery novels, and enjoys good tea and cheap wine, the company of friends, and has a newfound appreciation for opera. She enjoys crocheting and beading, but a good book can tempt her away from almost anything... except writing!

She now happily writes about vintage kitchen collecting, muffin baking and dead bodies – among other mysterious topics - for publisher Beyond the Page.

Visit Victoria’s website and sign up for her newsletter!

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Lady Anne Addison Mysteries

By: Victoria Hamilton

I’ve always loved historical mysteries. When I started reading young, I read classics like Jane

Eyre, which, when you get down to it, is a classic mystery. Who – or what – is in the attic?

But I got my start in publishing in the realm of Regency romance novels, then moved on to

paranormal historical romances, with a strong dash of mystery! However, I always knew the goal

was to write mystery novels, and I hoped to write historical mysteries.

I got my chance with the Lady Anne Addison mysteries, which thematically are at the crossroads

where paranormal and mystery meet, with a soupçon of romance thrown in. I imagined myself

back in that time (Georgian era – 1786) and faced with rumors of werewolves, ghosts,

fortunetellers etc. How would I set out to debunk the rumors?

That’s how I started Lady Anne Book 1, Lady Anne and the Howl in the Dark. It was pure fun

writing it, I must say, with my intrepid heroine stumbling through the dark at a lonely Yorkshire

castle, tripping over a dead body while a blood-curdling wolf howl shivers through her. There is

a delicious hero, of course, who is maddened beyond patience by Lady Anne’s determined


We all know how that ends, right?

But at the heart of the series is my own sense that much of what seems unexplainable has an

explanation, and it usually lies in knowledge of the predatory nature of human beings. Lady

Anne Addison, intrepid and curious, will never let mysteries remain unsolved!

In Lady Anne and the Haunted Schoolgirl (Book #5) Anne is still in Bath, England, getting

ready for her marriage to Tony, Marquess of Darkefell. Excited to be marrying a man she deeply

loves and yet a little scared, overwhelmed by her mother’s demands – Lady Barbara is a true

Momzilla! – she is grateful for the distraction her friend Alethea brings her; a young schoolgirl at

a Bath school for young ladies is being tormented (she claims) by a ghost, haunted to the point of

wanting to take her own life. Anne goes to the rescue and convinces the girl that someone is

hoaxing her, but… is the girl convinced?

Things go awry, and Anne once again must track down a dangerous killer before anyone else is

harmed. I hope readers enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Happy Reading, everyone!


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Swag Pack with $25 Amazon Giftcard – 2 winners, US & Canada only,

$10 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner, WW

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting me. Hope you all enjoy the books, and enter to win one of the prize packages!
