Sunday, January 26, 2020

*Book Tour & Giveaway* Little White Lies by Jude Ouvrard

Little White Lies 
Truth or Lies Series Book 1 
by Jude Ouvrard 
Genre: New Adult Romance 
Publication Date: January 6, 2020

When Hunter Reed’s longtime plans go awry following her college graduation, she has two choices. She can wallow in her grief, or she can get away from Utah, and the people who broke her. Determined to escape the shadow of her parents and make it on her own terms, she lands her dream job at an up-and- coming graphic design company in Portland, packs her bags, and hits the road.

No sooner has Hunter arrived, than the adventures begin. With a new apartment, and learning her job comes with a private office—and a handsome boss who is her age—she settles in straight away, befriending neighbors and co-workers alike. Welcomed into the fold, the transition is smooth and easy.

Almost too easy.

Just when she gets comfortable with how perfect her life is going, an unforgettable Elvis at a costume party will make Hunter forget everything she was taught about propriety, leading to a night of drunken abandonment and dangerous encounters that will set in motion a web of little white lies which could undo everything she has worked so hard for.

Although Hunter finds herself facing two choices again, this time, her heart is on the line. 

Jude Ouvrard is a mom, a girlfriend, a sister, and a daughter... well, you get the idea.

She's also an avid reader and writer. Ouvrard loves books--the words in them, and the worlds of fantasy they create. Basically, she's a sucker for any type of romance book. That's her thing.

Born and raised in a small village in the Canadian countryside, it's been nearly two decades since she moved out of the family home to go explore and enjoy the city life. Living with her longtime boyfriend, their son, and their fur babies in Montreal, her days are labored away at a law firm while she lives her dream job by night. Writing. Creating. Giving shape and form to the characters who whisper their stories in her head.

Ouvrard writes new adult, military, and contemporary romance tales filled with drama, love, and everything in between. 

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
When I was young, elementary school, I started making up stories in my head and writing them before bed every night. During my teenage years, I was more into poems and deeper writing. After that, I went back to writing stories and such but for my own pleasure. After reading the Twilight Series, I decided to write in English rather than in French, my first language and things started to change. I became a published author soon after making the transition.

Where were you born/grew up at?
I was born in the country of Quebec, Canada. Not too far from the border of New York and Vermont. I grew up with horses, lamb, cats, dogs, cows, you get the idea and later moved to Montreal to pursue my education.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
With my family. They are the reason why I’m here and the most important people in my life. I don’t care what we would do as long as we’re happy, sharing memories, making memories and having a good time.

Who is your hero and why?
Jeff Buckley is a musician, songwriter that I admire a lot. I have been listening to his music for years and I never get tired of it. His way with words and the melody he creates are simply amazing. HIS VOICE, omg! he was unique. Sadly, he passed away but his music is still here with us.

What do you do to unwind and relax?
I take a long warm bath, rest, and watch Netflix later with my laptop on my knees and my manuscript ready to get more words in.

How to find time to write as a parent?
I write late at night or on my way to and from work.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!
Weird, funny, creative

Do you have a favorite movie?
I have many favorite movies and most of them are books adaptations. Nicholas Sparks, Anna Todd, in the romance genre or last week, I watched The Witcher on Netflix and I loved it. If you haven't watched it yet, do it now.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?
Lost & Rich because I can totally see myself laughing at Gracie’s dialog. She’s all over the place. I would also love to see Little White Lies because it’s the book I'm most proud of.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
An owl. I love owls. They are so beautiful and weird at the same time. I would love to pet one or hold one but they aren't really friendly.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by! Question: What advice would you give to writers today?
