Tuesday, April 14, 2020

*Book Tour & Giveaway* Stay With Me Trilogy by Nicole Fiorina-GUEST POST

Stay With Me 
Stay With Me Trilogy Book 1 
by Nicole Fiorina 
Genre: New Adult Romance 

In a desperate final attempt to save nineteen-year-old Mia from herself, she gets transferred to Dolor University, a reformatory college in the UK that housed deranged and dangerous young adults who viewed the private institution as their own personal playground. Mia didn’t care. She needed feelings to care. She’d keep her head down, ignore everyone, and make it through the next two years effortlessly.

Though Mia never anticipated Ollie Masters.

With green eyes, tattoos, and the voice of a poet, she is quickly drawn to him. But because of her sociopath tendencies, she knows it could only end in one of two ways. Either he will be the one to free her from her past, or she will be the one to destroy him.

**WARNING: Mature content, adult language, graphic sexual content, and disturbing matters may trigger an emotional response. Read at your own risk.** 

Even When I'm Gone 
Stay With Me Series Book 2 

The second book in a heart-consuming series.

Forget everything you thought you knew. Hell, I don't even know myself anymore. For seven months I've been gone only to come back to be tested in every way possible. They say keep your enemies close, and my demons welcomed me back with open arms. My downfall is a necessary evil. But Mia is my endgame.

Seven months ago, Ollie surrendered to the darkness, abandoning me in the process. He stripped me of my walls only to leave me defenseless. Now he's back, along with fresh new faces and obstacles standing in our way. He says trust no one. Not even him. How am I supposed to be strong for us both when I'm losing my grip?

"Just stay with me, Mia."
"Even when you're gone?"
"Especially when I'm gone." 

Now Open Your Eyes 
Stay With Me Series Book 3 

It was so close, I'd tasted it–the freedom.
But the only thing I could taste now was the end.
Over the last two years, I’d let all outside forces dictate my life, my feelings, my head.
I’d allowed everyone to control what my punishment should be for all my wrong-doings.
I’d been tested and learned my lesson.
I’d paid my dues and suffered long enough.
Because in the end,
even the once-upon-a-damned deserved to be happy too.

How far are you willing to go?
I’d asked myself this very question countless times.
But never in my wildest dreams thought I’d go back in time,
chasing ghosts from my past for a chance to save our future.
So, there was no limit.
No boundaries.
I’d cross time, the world, my morals.
Yes, I’d even double-cross myself.
So, how far would I go?
The answer had always been simple.
I’d go an eternity plus a day past crestfallen. 

Nicole Fiorina is an independent author, debuting with the Stay With Me series. She lives in Florida with her loving husband, Michael, two children, Christian and Grace, and Great Dane, Winston. 

Her writing style is unapologetic and emotional, striving to push buttons, hearts, and limits. Nicole's books fall under New Adult Romance, with a suspenseful, poetic, and gothic twist. 

A lover of music, especially classic rock, she can rap most Eminem songs, dance, dabbles on the piano, and likes to use power tools and a paintbrush. She's addicted to coconut berry Red bull, coffee, and root beer, and makes sure to force down water to appease her mother. When she's not writing, she's probably chauffeuring her kids around, at family gatherings, or sleeping. 

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
A few years ago, I was involved in a car accident which put me on bedrest for 6 months. This was a huge eye-opener in where my life was going as far as my job. I hated it. I’ve always been a writer, but the car accident was a blessing in disguise, and the very thing I never knew I needed to push me into taking a chance on publishing.

What is something unique/quirky about you?
I have sneeze attacks when my stomach is full after eating. My husband and kids especially get embarrassed when we’re at restaurants. We hightail it out of there when they see it’s coming.

What are some of your pet peeves?
When people make excuses instead of finding solutions. I also hate being tickled, is that a pet peeve?

Where were you born/grew up at?
Born in Illinois, raised in Florida. I’d go back to Chicago in a heartbeat.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?
With my family. It doesn’t matter what we do as long as we were all together.

Who is your hero and why?
Hands down, my dad. He’s gone now, but every choice or decision I face, I constantly remind myself of the lessons he’s taught me. He was a man who fought hard for his dreams, and conquered every one of them. I’ve learned so much from him, but even more after his death. He’s in every book I write so I can always keep him alive in my own way.

What kind of world ruler would you be?
An emotional, giving one. The country would most likely go into debt because all the money would be spent on building extravagant villages for homeless animals and rebuilding cities suffering from poverty.

What are you passionate about these days?
Writing, art, music, my family, making a difference.

What do you do to unwind and relax?
Sleep. I either sleep too much or not at all. I have the worst sleeping habits and could fall asleep pretty much anywhere.

How to find time to write as a parent?
We are not just a mom/dad, but our own person with dreams and purposes. When my daughter (or son) gets to be my age with their own children, I want them to see that they are never JUST a mom/dad or JUST a wife/husband. Their dreams are JUST as important as their children’s. It makes it all that much more special to include your children. Show them the process and how much work it takes to get there. Celebrate the small victories together, show them the bad and how to overcome them. Include them in the process. Because I do this, when they see me writing, they know Mom is not JUST working.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less:
This girl is a mystery.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I was twelve and I wrote my first book (I still have it!)

Do you have a favorite movie?
No, lol. Pretty much any Bruce Willis movie. I like action, psychological thrillers, horror, crime, murder, romance, etc. The only movies I can’t get into are western.

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?
All of them. I write them as I would see them in a movie.

What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
None yet, but I plan to do many!

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
This is hard, probably a can of Red Bull.

$25 Amazon gift card 

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