Wednesday, July 17, 2024

*Book Tour & Giveaway* Rumi and the Retribution-GUEST POST


The Da Vinci Code meets Rumi in a global thriller/mystery 

Rumi and the Retribution

Gabriel McKnight Book 1

by Pooneh Sadeghi

Genre: Global Thriller, Mystery

You Are What You Seek.

Gabriel McKnight, a decorated former U.S. Navy SEAL and bestselling author, sees his perfect life come unraveled when he’s named the prime suspect in a murder case after his twin brother vanishes without a trace. Now on the run from the law, Gabriel embarks on a desperate worldwide quest to clear his name and uncover his brother’s fate.

His only ally is Noor Rahman, the scion of a once-powerful Iranian dynasty whose past intertwines with a mysterious book of Rumi’s poems left behind by her deceased parents. Together, Gabriel and Noor decipher cryptic passages suggesting a link between the historic murders of Noor’s family and his brother’s disappearance. From the back alleys of Washington, D.C., to the bustling streets of Paris, and the vibrant vistas of Tehran, they navigate a labyrinth of danger and deception leading them inexorably to Rumi’s mystical resting place in Turkey.

But discovery comes with a perilous cost. With every revelation, Gabriel and Noor inch that much closer to unlocking the sinister truth behind their parallel destinies. Can they outwit their unseen foes and decode the final mysteries before they themselves become the final casualties in this deadly game?

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I was born to a diplomat and housewife in Tehran-Iran then whisked across the globe to whatever country my parents had been assigned to. Raised to appreciate various cultures, landscapes, languages, and viewpoints, my life was one grand adventure until a revolution took place in my country and turned our lives upside down. Between then and the age of eighteen I had experienced both the joy, freedom, and magic our world offers as well as wars, deprivation, and oppression. My undergraduate studies were in the Middle East and my post graduate studies were at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France.

So, when did I become a writer? Books had always been my greatest friends, teachers, refuge, and the inspiration to forge my own future. In college I realized I wanted to write engaging mysteries and thrillers. At the same time, I wanted to give readers more than a story. I wanted to share the rich beauty of Persian literature as well as that of other cultures. For that I embarked on a twenty-two-year journey, traveling to various countries, and experiencing life while establishing a successful career. Gabriel McKnight and his first story had been on my mind for several years yet it wasn’t until my mid-forties that I picked up the proverbial pen. The time had come to share my stories.

The next step was making my dream come true. I queried several agents and one glorious day in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic my wonderful literary agent reached out to me with an offer for representation. She took my story to publishers and before I knew it, we had a publishing contract –and here we are.

Today, I live in Oklahoma City, USA with my family and two dogs. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s the power of words. Words can heal, teach, entertain, inspire, and evoke change. I hope you enjoy Gabriel’s adventures as much as I enjoyed writing them.

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Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became

an author? Like many authors I am a voracious reader. I learned the alphabet at age 4, started reading

at age 5 and picked up my first Agatha Christie Mystery in 3 rd grade—I knew I’d be an author since

childhood. I was always thinking up of stories and writing them down in my diary.

What is something unique/quirky about you? Prior to starting a book, I live with my characters for

several weeks. We talk and I get to know them to the point I’d know how they’d dress, what food

they would order in a restaurant or how they would react in a situation. I also have many interesting

plot discussions with my two dogs (golden doodles). They’re great listeners.

Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you! I don’t know if it’s interesting but it was

life changing. I was 9 years old when a revolution took place in my country. I’ve lived in total

oppression and then experienced the freedom of first world countries, added to that I’ve lived in war

and all that—well, it changes one’s perspective. You tend to really value what others take for granted

and not pay attention to topics that many media sites focus on.

What are some of your pet peeves? People who use books for decoration but never read them!

People who mistreat books (really not acceptable!),

Where were you born/grew up at? Born in Tehran, Iran, Raised in many countries across Europe and

in the USA. This was due to my father’s job.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

1-I’d cook a delicious meal for my family and prior to eating it I’d take a lot of food to a shelter and

we’d dance and laugh and play games.

Who is your hero and why? Gosh there are many but for me Rumi, Ghandi, Anyone who tries to be

kind to others

What kind of world ruler would you be? One who ensures every human being is treated fairly and that

all humans have the same rights—I’d also have a wicked sense of humor, maybe play tricks on my

government/cabinet members….

What are you passionate about these days? Writing, writing, writing, reading but also trying to do one

good thing a day to help make the world a better place.

What do you do to unwind and relax? Walk, swim, and read! And in no particular order

How to find time to write as a parent? I make time to write a 1,000 words a day

Describe yourself in 5 words or less! Mom-booklover-Author-Tree hugger

When did you first consider yourself a writer? For as long as I can remember I knew I wanted to write

Do you have a favorite movie? Ohhh several: “oh goodness too many—I always find myself watching

the BBC Agatha Christie series with David Suchet… much fun and Midnight in Paris!

Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie? Really all of them because they are visual

as I write them. RUMI & THE RETRIBUTION could definitely be a movie or mini-series

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? A dog! They are loyal, fun

and loving.

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Print Copy of Rumi and the Retribution,

$10 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner each! 

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1 comment:

  1. This looks like a very enjoyable read. Thanks for hosting.
