Monday, October 21, 2024

*Book Tour & Giveaway* The Red Fox Ran-GUEST POST


"Have you even told them what you are or where you came from? 

What exactly is expected of you?"


The Red Fox Ran

by December Knight

Genre: Speculative Christian Fiction

"Have you even told them what you are or where you came from? What exactly is expected of you?"

Living a double life isn’t easy. Don’t smile too wide, be careful others might see. Don’t show your other side. Forget where you came from. Forget what they did to you... what they made you. It’s a terrible and often terrifying balancing act to pretend to be what you’re not. Rejecting himself for what he wanted most Bay Haven found himself enticed into an average life attending a traditional high school, developing ordinary friendships, pretending all the while to be what he isn’t... normal.

But as time passes and the frayed edges of who he really is begins to attract unwanted attention, Bay has no other option then to face what is ahead of him and answer the brutal call of what seems to be his cursed bloodline, facing the illusion created by those in the white towers and decide if he really is what They want him to believe he is. In doing so he might lose everything he has struggled so hard to get and took for granted all in one fail swoop.


An endearing tale of love, family, and companionship – Kirkus Reviews

 Completely absorbing from beginning to end, this is a superb book, ideal, but not only, for a young adult audience. It is a firm five-star read. – Book Viral Reviews

 The Red Fox Ran is a sublime work of fiction with strong themes, a captivating plot, and strong characters that are relatable to the point that I felt I was fighting their battles alongside them.

 – Reader’s Favorite


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December Knight strives to share her imagination and Christian faith through her creative writing from an honest, real-life perspective, developing relatable deep characters, and vivid, complex storylines with controversial themes. She is a proud alumna of Liberty University graduating with a BS in Multidisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Creative Writing, History, and Theology.


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What inspired you to write this book? 

I’m embarrassed to admit I got caught in the Ylvis’ song The Fox, though I think it would be hard to see that without my admitting to it.

What can we expect from you in the future? 

I’m not really sure how to answer. More stories that focus on characters’ journeys. Though to quote a Heffalump my stories are ‘never the same’ much like his name.

Do you have any “side stories” about the characters? 

I was working on a short children’s book that was supposed to go with a side chapter, but I haven’t finished it.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in (Name of book)? 

There are no two characters that are really alike in The Red Fox Ran. I would say that they all approach the events that transpire in a unique way and show a different perspective on the growing tensions and uncertainties that develop throughout the story. There is also a good balance of serious and more go-with-the-flow personalities. I would say the best examples of these two extremes are Abby and Blaze. She tends to view things in a lighthearted manner, whereas he is far more serious and stoic about the whole thing. Needless to say, there is an entire cast of interesting people to explore.

How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book? 

I don’t really think while I’m writing. All the characters kind of just naturally developed as it grew.

Where did you come up with the names in the story? 

Some like Abby and Sasha were names I’ve always liked. Bay and Blaze, I chose because they had meanings that I felt suited the general feeling I was trying to portray. A few I chose so they would represent a particular culture or feeling.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book? 

Being in the moment with the characters.

Tell us about your main characters- what makes them tick? 

Bay has been forced to spend much of his life with just his brother Blaze. Because of this he particularly values his friendship with Abby, Sasha, and Felix which only increases the sense of instability and fear of loss that he experiences throughout the story. I believe this is really the driving force for a lot of his decisions.

How did you come up with the title of your first novel? 

The title for my first novel was pulled from the location Gilding, a fictitious city I made up, and the lead antagonist D also known as Devil. Hence the Devil of Gilding.

Who designed your book covers? 

Patrisha Colombo from WeeMoochi designed the cover. She is an amazing artist and I love working with her! Do not be deceived by all the cute things she makes as her style can be super complex.

She also did have some design support for Elise Crane of Drowsy Pigeon who is herself an amazing artist and is working on her first graphic novel. I highly recommend people to follow these two very talented ladies.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? 

There is always a desire to go in and nitpick little things. I will, hopefully, be in a constant state of growth. In saying that, I am pleased to let the boat drift away and not doubt what I have done.

Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book? 

Taking your time with something is best. There was a part where I had to step away and really think about how I wanted to portray something, it took a shockingly long period of time, but I was able to figure out how to go on.

If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead? 

The funny thing is I never imagine actors. I don’t know why honestly. It would make it a whole lot easier if I did, then I could reference back to them when I needed descriptions. I envy those who have such a clear picture in their mind.

Anything specific you want to tell your readers? 

Please try and judge Bay from his perspective and try to understand why he’s so afraid to lose what little he has.

How did you come up with name of this book? 

The name was hard. I just started spitballing, writing everything down that came to mind. The old see spot run, came to mind. All the research I did on titles suggested relating the title to something familiar and then The Red Fox Ran just happened.

What is your favorite part of this book and why? 

Without giving too many details away, I would have to say it was in the later chapters when Bay had to make some pretty difficult decisions and the moment when he realized something personal that helped him open up. I can’t get myself to say anything else, but those last four or five chapters are at the top of my list, for sure. Though, of course, I love the whole thing.

If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? 

How does a parent pick favorites? Honestly, I don’t know that I could pick. I could run a whole list of antagonists I wouldn’t want to deal with though, that is a far easier decision to make. But as for all the other characters, I couldn’t possibly pick between them.

Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination? 

They are all imaginary. Honestly, I don’t really write a lot from personal experience or about people I know or knew.

Do your characters seem to hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reigns of the story? 

The story is character-driven from the get-go. I love the sensation that it has a natural feel. I don’t really have distinct narratives when I approach writing. Let me roll the 48-sided dice. 

Convince us why you feel your book is a must read. 

In this world, it can be difficult to discern anything, what is the reason we believe what we believe? Who or what determines what we are? This is a complex story about self-discovery and identity, about finding the root of humanity. It portrays and presents Christianity and Jesus in a realistic natural way. It probes into the heart of what we care about, what drives the human soul and heart. 

There is no way I can convince anyone to take a chance, but what I can say is you will never know if you don’t choose to read.

Have you written any other books that are not published? 

Yes. Too many.

If your book had a candle, what scent would it be?

Bath and Body Works Twilight Woods and Yankee Candle Storm Watch.

What did you edit out of this book?

I had to spend a lot of time adjusting my writing style. When I first wrote this I was in my early twenties and I finished it in my early thirties. It was important to me to make the story sound cohesive. As for any juicy tidbits, I’m afraid the story didn’t really have to drop any weight, so I didn’t have to take anything out.

Is there an writer which brain you would love to pick for advice? Who would that be and why? 

It would have to be either Victor Hugo, Alexander Dumas, or Fyodor Dostoyevsky. They have written some of the most beautiful books I have ever read. I guess I would just like to understand them a bit more and get a picture behind such wonderful works. I don’t kid myself to think I will ever be able to write as well as they.

Fun Facts/Behind the Scenes/Did You Know?'-type tidbits about the author, the book or the writing process of the book. 

  • One whole section I had to rewrite because my power went out and I didn’t have time to save. I was so disappointed. 

  • It took me over seven years to get this story completed. It was a very long process.

  • The Red Fox Ran’s working title was The Hunt, but when I saw all the titles named The Hunt, I panicked thinking no one would be able to find the story if I chose that one. So, I spent one painful month finding its final title.

  • I originally wrote the first threads of the story while I was in church in a notebook I had brought with me.

  • The first two characters I thought of for the story were Bay and Abby.

  • Some of the inspiration I pulled from as the book developed was genetic manipulation and identity.

  • I felt, while working on the book trailer, that Lacrimosa by Mozart personified the book’s feeling.

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1 comment:

  1. This looks like a very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing.
