Friday, March 27, 2020

*Book Tour & Giveaway* His True Love by Lynn Chantale-GUEST POST

His True Love 
True Detective Series 
by Lynn Chantale 
Genre: Mystery Menage Romance 

In a small town, in a popular bar, beautiful women disappear. This could just be a coincidence, but private investigators, Carson, Matt and Nathalie don’t believe in them. So they go undercover. 
However, when one of the missing women turns up dead, the trio is disturbed to learn the woman bore a striking resemblance to Nathalie; they increase their efforts. When Nathalie disappears from the same bar, Carson and Matt will do anything to find her. 
*Contains explicit descriptions of sex, strong language, and descriptions of violence.* 

Lynn Chantale resides in Southwest Florida and she is determined to enjoy all that life has to offer. She has a mad affinity for milk chocolate, preferably Dove chocolate truffles or the caramel-filled squares (Godiva is acceptable), and plays the bass guitar when the Muse begs for a bit of distraction. 

She’s a multi-published author in ebooks and has recently stepped into the self-publishing world. So far both experiences have been rewarding. 

Can you, for those who don't know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
How I became an author, I’d love to say it by accident, but that’s soooooo not the case. When I was a little girl, I used to write mystery stories featuring a precocious 4 y/o who, along with her best friend solved mysteries.
I read a lot of Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Encycloprdia Brown and such. Slowly I graduated to Victoria Holt, MAry Higgins Clark, and then came the category romances.
After one too many mature, wealthy man imposing his will on a naive, young woman, I figured I could do better.

Lol. I don’t know if it’s better, but at least they are characters and locales I can identify with. Nothing against a ranch in Wyoming or Montana. It’s just that this city girl can identify with a working farm in the rural fields of Michigan where civilizations is a mere five minute car ride away.

What is something unique/quirky about you?
I am impatient. Not for everything, but anything where I have to wait. That’s why you’ll see me listening to a book, or knitting. I have to occupy my time, because I hate waiting.
Tell us something really interesting that's happened to you!
One interesting thing about me is that I have a guide dog. I’ve had him just over a year and he has certainly enriched my life.

What are some of your pet peeves?
Some of my pet peeves are people who interrupt my workout in the gym, chairs not being pushed in, mumbling, and being ignored.

If you knew you'd die tomorrow, how would you spend your last day?

I would spend my last day with the people I loved the most. We would have a huge party and I would make sure each of my loved ones knew how much I loved, cherished and appreciated them. I’d name them, but don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings if they don’t see their name.
Who is your hero and why?
I know it’s cliche, but my dad has always been my hero. As a kid he was this larger than life guy, complete with rippling muscles and everything. He’s play dolls, tea parties, let me dance on his feet. He taught me to drive, balance a checkbook, and what a man looks for in a woman.
My dad and I share the same eye disease, so to watch him overcome many of the same obstacles I face, just adds to the hero worship. Did I mention my dad has followed his childhood dreams and is now a professional wrestler with Pure Pro Wrestling at it Finest? Go Father Time.

What are you passionate about these days?

These days I’m passionate about writing. For a few years I fell by the wayside. Life body slammed me and well, it took a while to get back up. Now, I’m doing my best make up for lost time.
Another project I’m passionate about is advocating for those with visual impairments. Getting involved with my local chapter of the Council for the Blind has allowed me to not only remain encouraged, but has giving me inspiration. We are a diverse bunch of people and the only thing that stops us from accomplishing anything is ourselves.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
I read, journal, bake, knit, or go for a walk. Sometimes I can do three of things at one time. :-)
How to find time to write as a parent?
When my boys were little, I wrote late at night and in the wee hours of the morning. If I tried to write while they were active, I didn’t get much done. Now that I have a 5 y/o I help co-parent, some of the same rules apply. I try to write while he’s in school and late at night. Otherwise, it’s endless requests for fruit with the juice in it, or chips, can you button me, or can you play with me, or can we go to the park, or can you tell me a story? The last is my fave, we’ve reinvented The Three Little Pigs, The Little Red Hen, and love Pete the Cat.

Describe yourself in 5 words or less!
Authentic, Intelligent, creative, compassionate, wary

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I think it would’ve been when I wrote my very first manuscript while in high school. I grew up in the 80s and there was no easy access to guidelines and such. It wasn’t until the 90s that I became aware of who to send my manuscripts. Once I did, there was lots and lots of rejections.

Do you have a favorite movie?
I have several favorite movies. Clue is one and anything with Jimmy Stewart. It’s A Wonderful Life, or The Greatest Show on Earth will do.
Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

That’s a really good question. I’d say any of the romantic suspense ones would be good movies.

What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

This would have to be a meerkat. They are resilient little creatures. Not just that, they have a matriarchal society. The Alpha female chooses her mate, and she can choose to keep other females and her children in the family or kick them out.  

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