Expose Yourself
by Erin Louis
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help, Humor
After her first two books about the stripper world and her memoirs, Erin Louis offers us her new self-help
book promoting critical thinking and self-confidence through humor, challenging insights, and her own
true stories. A cross between "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "The God Delusion", Ms Louis titillates as she
enlightens readers. You will learn how to find the freedom to be yourself, find confidence to take risks,
and change your life. This book will show you how. As she says, you don't even have to get naked to do
it, she's done that for you.
**There will be a Kindle countdown deal starting on May 20th
and ending May 27th, the starting price will be $.99 and will end at the original price of
$4.99. !!**
Growing up in Southern California, surrounded by beautiful people, I struggled to find my identity. Every
one else seemed to know who I was supposed to be, and how I was supposed to act, but their Idea of
who I was didn’t quite fit with how I felt inside. I knew I was just different somehow. Expressing my true
self came with criticism which caused me to question myself, and so began my search to find myself and
the life I wanted to lead. Years of taking risks, enduring judgments, and self-doubt taught me that to be
truly happy meant rejecting mainstream society’s idea of who I was supposed to be and what I was
supposed to believe.
Somehow through all this, I have found the courage to show who I really am to the world. I hope to help
lead others down the path to their own self-acceptance. My mission now is to help people live their best
lives without the need to please other people who may be miserable in their own. Whether it be
discarding dilapidated belief systems, unrealistic ideals, or simply the fear of judgment, finding the
courage to be yourself can be daunting. By sharing my stories, I hope to show that you are ultimately in
control of your own life, and that you alone have the power to control your own happiness. I hope to
provide that little nudge you may need to tell the world to kiss your butt, because you are awesome just
the way you are.
Why I Wrote Expose
of us grow up with ideas of what and who we want to be told to us
through TV, parents, movies, and the belief systems we are born into.
We are taught that taking risks is reckless, asking too many
questions is rude, and that we may need to hide who we really are to
find acceptance in the world. As a stripper for 20 years, I learned a
lot about why hanging on to those ideas can make for an unfulfilling
and ultimately boring life. When we give in to the idea of what
society and media tells us who we should be, we forget who we really
are inside. We learn to go with the flow and develop cognitive biases
that limit our learning and perspective. Sometimes those biases lead
us to believe everything we read or hear that validates what we want
to believe.
Yourself is a guide to questioning those beliefs to help uncover your
own truth about who you are and what is important to you. It is also
a guide to help identify where your cognitive biases may be leading
you astray. In a world where information is just a search or a click
away misinformation and pseudoscience is running rampant my book
seeks to teach the reader through humor and stories from my career
how to avoid being taken in by clever cons. While it may seem that a
former stripper is an unlikely voice of reason, my job has given me a
unique perspective on life and science that makes learning a little
more fun.

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